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Mindset of Steel

Trade With Confidence. Kiss Fear, Doubt, and Hesitation Goodbye.

Have you always wanted to learn how to become a consistently profitable trader?

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried:

  • Watching YouTube videos…
  • Reading some books …
  • Perhaps you’ve even tried a service or two…

And, like most people, you’ve been left with more confusion than clarity for your efforts.

The reason is that you haven’t been taught about the most important part of trading, nor have you been taught about it in the right way.


Challenge Level




Hour of Coursework

What if you could build a mindset of steel?

Mindset is far more than emotions and how we deal with them. It's the axle that holds all other parts of trading together. Analysis... Risk management... Position Sizing... Mindset is the glue that binds all of it together. As you’ll soon learn, building a mindset of steel includes:

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How to Master Your Internal Environment

You’ll learn how to turn off the autopilot. Become aware of your beliefs. Release the ones that aren’t serving you anymore and install new beliefs that will move you toward your goals faster.

How To Build A Strategy That Works

Your strategy must match your beliefs, your goals, and your ability to execute. We’ll discuss how to make sure you have all three in place.

Risking the Right Amount…Always

Learn how to custom tailor your position sizing to fit your personality, your goals, your system and the market environment. We’ll even provide you with tools to help you get the job done faster.

Learn how to plan, execute, and post analyze your trades

You’ll develop the ability to place great trades now, in the future, and ensure that you continuously improve.

Course Breakdown

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Introduction to Building Your Mindset of Steel

Welcome! I’ll introduce myself and give you a brief summary of what you can expect from this course.

LENGTH: 6 Minutes

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STEP 1: Mastering Your Internal & External Environment

We’ll discuss the steps and work through the exercises to upgrade your internal environment and manage your external environment.

LENGTH: 18 Minutes (Includes 1 Quiz)

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STEP 2: Building the Three Pillars of Systems

In order for any trading system to work for you, it must match your beliefs, your goals, and your ability to execute. We’ll discuss in fine detail how to ensure each are in place.

LENGTH: 11 Minutes (Includes 1 Quiz)

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STEP 3a: Custom Tailored Position Sizing (Part 1)

Learn to customize your position sizes and risk so that it fits you, your goals, the trade, and the market environment.

LENGTH: 9 Minutes

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STEP 3b: Custom Tailored Position Sizing (Part 2)

A quick tutorial of our Position Size Calculator developed to help you calculate your position sizing quickly and easily. The calculator is yours to use free with this course.

LENGTH: 3 Minutes

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STEP 4: Planning, Executing, and Post Analysis

Learn to see all sides of the trade. Develop a template to consistently plan and execute trades. Perform efficient post-analysis so that you continuously improve your trading.

LENGTH: 14 Minutes (Includes 1 Quiz)

Here is what people are saying...

Stuart Chalmers

A personal best! Like Jesse Livermore said, it's the sitting and waiting that makes the gains. I’ve been sitting with twitchy fingers for days now but have been patient and its paid off. I took some partial profits on $NIO and $APPS and its given me my best ever annual gains! Now I just need to hold onto them. :-) Thank you Mike for your words of wisdom. Your teachings have helped make this possible for me.

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How long does it take to see results?

You will begin seeing a mental shift before you are even finished with the course.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

The only way this won't work for you is if you take it casually. Give each lesson your full attention. Don't listen to it while juggling 10 other things. Do the exercises completely. And it will be impossible not to get results.

I’ve seen similar stuff in the past—what makes this different?

This course is unique. It cuts out all of the fluff and gets straight to the core of what will help you. This course also requires you to take action. Steel is forged through effort... and so is your mind.

What if I don’t have much time to spend on it right now?

The course doesn't have to be completed in one sitting. Each lesson is only about 10 minutes long. The questions and exercises after each lesson will take longer.

Will it be a good fit for me?

If you're someone who hesitates before placing a trade, is fearful while in a trade, or has experienced any other doubts around trading, this course has the answers you've been looking for.

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Are you ready to develop your mindset of steel?

Take the first step toward becoming a more competent, confident trader with this fun, interactive course


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you don’t feel like these lessons are working out for you, simply request a full refund. No questions asked.



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